Ahamedd Saaddoodeen, Redux
The "name" appears to be made up, a code for something.
Today, I received an email from an Arizona man who is tackling the puzzle and has come up with a number of intriguing possibilities:
- demons ado dead ahead
- a deed a shade and doom
- o so damned dead ahead
- a shade a deed and doom
- doom a deed and a shade
- shade a deed and a doom
- o ado ashamed dead end
- ado o ashamed dead end
- o ashamed and dead ode
- o does he add a dead man
- o he does add a dead man
- o a dead man he does add
"I really know nothing about any of this. I just re-arranged the letters... all of them seem to share that sophomoric, quasi-poetic cheesiness which was the defining characteristic of the anagrams in 'The DaVinci Code' (& pretty much the whole book, which I read in about 6 hours - I thought it was stupid, but it was a page turner, that's for sure...)
"I haven't read your books, but it does seem as if you've gotten a bit of a raw deal & Dan Brown seems like a real jerk.
The reason I think Dan Brown is a jerk is because I am a composer, musician & keyboard player. I do not appreciate people who claim other people's creations as their own. The way he credits his "CDs" & his musical experiences makes it obvious to anyone in the business this is bogus. I know lots of people who self-publish their own music -- I don't know any of them who say their music was "released" unless it was picked up by an actual record label, meaning -- someone paid them to make it, rather than them paying for it themselves.
I am intimately familiar with this type of person - there are ALWAYS lurkers & wanna-be's in the halls of music schools or writing programs - people who really have absolutely no aptitude for the skill they are pretending to learn, but seem to have an uncanny ability to jump through hoops, kiss ass & figure out ways to get famous with other people's ideas.
With all the funny business going on in the publishing world today (Frey, JT what's-is-face, the Indian guy, etc.. etc..) I wouldn't be a bit surprised to learn that Dan Brown's wife is the real author of these books & his claim to have written them is a purposeful attempt at defeating the legal system which prosecutes these matters since the person who ACTUALLY wrote them does not ACTUALLY have to go on trial. that's not to mention the potential motivation of the publishers to stir up controversy/publicity any way they can.
Now that Mr. Brown has 70 million books worth of $ in his bank account & Random House has what could be an ongoing multi-million $ franchise I doubt anyone can afford to uncover his secret plagiaristic ways. Maybe someone should write a thriller about that!
"good luck to you... "