• Random House sued ME; not the other way around.
  • Random House filed suit to silence the facts I was posting on the web.
  • There has been NO trial on the facts, only the Random House effort to prevent a trial.
  • NO expert testimony was allowed despite three international plagiarism experts who were willing to testif that it existed.
  • The only sworn statements made under penalty of perjury are affidavits from me and my experts, nothing from RH.
  • The judge refused to consider any expert analysis.
  • Despite suing me first, Random House & Sony UNsuccessfully demanded that I pay the $310,000 in legal fees they spent to sue me.
  • Contrary to the Random House spin, I am not alleging plagiarism of general issues, but of several hundred very specific ones.
  • This is not about money. Anything I win goes to charity.

Legal filings and the expert witness reports are HERE

I have a second blog, Writopia
which focuses on Dan Brown's pattern of falsehoods
and embellishment of his personal achievements.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A "Lay Reader" Weighs in on "Genuine Issues of Material Fact"

One of the "Blog Squad" of people who are scanning the web on their own time sent me the following link posted in January.

The blogger talks about the similarities in Da Vinci Legacy and Daughter of God then says, "The similarities include things that make it very unlikely that Dan Brown independently thought of the same things...[D]o I think Dan Brown based his book on these others? Most definitely."

Not _every_ lay reader is of the same opinion, but more than 75 percent do think I was plagiarized. As I mentioned below, the whole thing started when I started getting emails from readers who thought I was ripped off. Some of those are in my court filings.

At the very least, all these lay readers raise "genuine issues of material fact to be resolved by trial" as mentioned in the post below.


Blogger Mark said...

What became of the plagiarized websites?

Thu May 19, 07:33:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Mark said...

This guy is a fan of the genre. I have to say I think the freemason thing is fascinating, but what a strange bunch to figure out ritualwise.

Thu May 19, 07:34:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for mentioning my blog, and commenting on my post! It's always great to hear from a published author.

Don't get discouraged in this lawsuit business. A lot of people who are aware of the facts support you. As is the case in most things in life, there are those who make themselves well informed, and those who don't. And as is also the case, there are usually vast numbers of silent people who agree but do not speak up.

The world is run not by those who are right or those who are wrong, but by those who let their voices be heard and their wishes be known. That's my original quote, which you may use!!

"I write better now"...
I knew my comments might get me into trouble! But remember, I was in college when this book came out. Since my tastes have probably changed, I'm going to take another look at this book. I'm waiting because I want to read the 1983 version of The Da Vinci Legacy, but am having trouble finding a copy.

Tue Jun 07, 10:17:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Lewis Perdue said...

MPN: Damn good original quote ... and much truth in that.

"I knew my comments might get me into trouble!" -- not at all ... I admit that the Da Vinci Legacy is not written as well as I can write not ... that's just reality.

As for the 1983 edition, there is very, very little different ... NOTHING substantial was changed, nothing that affects the plot, the action etc.

What was done in this hasty update? A few things, like people pay in Euros now and not in Lire like they did when I wrote this in 1983. The Last Supper has been restored. Stuff like that.

The Hero's name was changed (too many sssss's: Curtis Davis ... say it aloud... the change was to Vance Erikson, but the name change didn't get transferred to the cover on the first printing. The change was made on the second and third printings so maybe the first ones will be collector's items.

Tue Jun 07, 05:12:00 PM PDT  

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