• Random House sued ME; not the other way around.
  • Random House filed suit to silence the facts I was posting on the web.
  • There has been NO trial on the facts, only the Random House effort to prevent a trial.
  • NO expert testimony was allowed despite three international plagiarism experts who were willing to testif that it existed.
  • The only sworn statements made under penalty of perjury are affidavits from me and my experts, nothing from RH.
  • The judge refused to consider any expert analysis.
  • Despite suing me first, Random House & Sony UNsuccessfully demanded that I pay the $310,000 in legal fees they spent to sue me.
  • Contrary to the Random House spin, I am not alleging plagiarism of general issues, but of several hundred very specific ones.
  • This is not about money. Anything I win goes to charity.

Legal filings and the expert witness reports are HERE

I have a second blog, Writopia
which focuses on Dan Brown's pattern of falsehoods
and embellishment of his personal achievements.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Retired District Court Judge Opines

I received the following in an email from a retired U.S. District Court judge. With that judge's permission, I am posting the following:

"I have followed this for months now and can no longer hold my peace. In my court, I always demanded that both parties to a civil action make a good faith attempt to resolve the issue outside of court. That did a far better and fairer job of unclogging my jurisdiction than depending upon summary judgement.

"I am astounded that the judge in your case has not done that. It's not an error to form the basis for an appeal, but perhaps it should be."


Blogger Lewis Perdue said...

From: "D.L. Stewart" (>
To: "Lewis Perdue"
Subject: retired judge's comments
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 18:25:52

Lew, have given up trying to put my comments on your Writopia/DaVincicrock blog. It keeps telling me that I'm putting in wrong password. I KNOW I'm not.

Anyway, I check your blog daily to keep abreast of what's happening with your case. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

In re: to your latest entry:

I guess some judges are more 'literate' than others. Just shows lack of consistency in our legal system.
RH & Dan Brown must be held accountable for their actions. The rights of all writers depend on it.

You are free to post this for me.


Stand up for yourself and you stand up for your best friend. . . .
Dory's Law

Thu Dec 15, 08:40:00 AM PST  
Blogger Mark said...

There are five new Da Vinciesque knock offs coming soon.

Fri Dec 16, 05:52:00 AM PST  

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